The morning started up a bit grey and overcast , but that changed after a while. The sun came up and blessed us with beautiful weather and blue skies. We sailed to beautiful fjord landscape in this beautiful weather. George held an interesting lecture about Darwin and after that, it was all hands on deck to enjoy the scienic sailing. At about 11.30 we started sailing to White narrows, one of the two channels that leads into Puerto Natales. Here we can only sail by slack tide, a fantastic scenery as we where sailing through. We saw a bit of wildlife as well. We searched for the famous condor which is often found here. We saw one but he was sitting up in the mountain side at quite a distance. We also spotted seals. During our passage throuhg White narrows, we also meet a Quark expedition ship, Ultramarine, and their guests who were kayaking in White narrows. At 14 o'clock we arrived in Puerto Natales and from here some of our guests went on a hike and a guided tour in the national park Torres del Paine. Those of our guests that didn't go, took the oppertunity to explore the town.